Monday, 7 March 2011

Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm

1. Astral Path to Supreme Majesties
2. Command of the Dark Crown
3. Desolate Funeral Chant
4. Cosmic Invocation Rites
5. Conjuration
6. Upon the Fire Winged Demon
7. Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm
8. Crepuscular Battle Hymn
9. Hymn for a Dead Star
10. Across the Abyss Ancient Horns Bray

Deicide - To Hell with God

1. To Hell with God
2. Save Your
3. Witness of Death
4. Conviction
5. Empowered by Blasphemy
6. Angels of Hell
7. Hang in Agony Until You're Dead
8. Servant of the Enemy
9. Into the Darkness You Go
10. How Can You Call Yourself a God